by Josh Waggoner

Life is a team effort. No one is an island. And in this fast-paced hectic world, surrounding yourself with people who desire an exceptional and meaningful life is vital for success. Junto is founded on the principle of mutually assured success, meaning, each individual not only wants to personally succeed, but also desires to see each other succeed. What that success looks like may differ from person to person, but the fundamental principles remain the same: build deep and lasting relationships and cultivate a thriving community (without all the bs networking). And, of course, have fun doing it.

Mutually Assured Success

If this sounds right up your alley, then Junto just might be for you.


Hold my beer while I step on my soapbox...

Making Friends is hard. (Or at least that’s how it feels as an adult nowadays.) Growing up, we usually make friends situationally. Whether based on our parents or personal decisions, friends can come from many different places. We go to a specific school in our local area and gravitate towards likeminded classmates. Or we make friends by joining basketball team, or theater, or chess club. Perhaps we go on to join the Air Force or go to college and pledge in a Fraternity or Sorority.

Most of the time, these seemingly random circumstances give us wonderful livelong friendships! But sometimes they lead to us being surrounded by bad eggs—people who are self-centered, negative or have egos the size of London.

Also, our circumstantial social environments can keep us stuck in intellectual bubbles.

Connection in an Isolating Age

Technology has fundamentally every aspect of modern life. Even if you decide to avoid city life, build a cabin out in the wilderness and live of the land, you’ll likely still want to have a phone in your pocket and post videos about your off-the-grid lifestyle.

What’s perplexing to us is how connected our world is while simultaneously isolating and lonely. Perhaps that’s the nature of working remotely on our laptops, zooming in to our classes, ordering our groceries online, wearing headphones all day and watching shows in the comfort in our own homes. (I’m part of the problem too.) Or perhaps it’s simply an unintended consequence of how we socialize online. Whatever the case, it’s far to easy for anyone to feel isolated and disconnected in today’s age.

Simultaneously, many people have unsubscribed to cultural institutions like religion and nuclear families, without other outlets to connect. (Note: I say this not to persuade you that this is good or bad, rather highlight that in so doing, there is a void of community that was once default in previous generations lives.)

I’m also not saying technology is bad or that we need to go back to the “good ol’ days”. Rather, I’m highlighting that a lot of things that were given now require active participation.

We strongly believe that friendship is a two way street. And community requires effort to build. That’s why a main function of Junto is small group settings in person. Although we have larger events and digital aspects to our community, nothing quite beats have good conversations IRL.

Our Mission & Goals

Our mission at Junto is to cultivating high-quality thinking, communication, success and forging deep friendships. Unite, Inspire, Achieve.

What does this look like in practice?

  • Build a thriving community of ambitious people.

  • Make friends.

  • Mentor and be mentored.

  • Have thoughtful and deep conversations.

  • Become stronger and more resilient as individuals.

  • Become better communicators.

  • Expand your worldview.

  • Have fun.

  • Learn new things.

  • Hone our skills.

  • Test Our Assumptions.

  • Help and become involved with local communities.

  • Get Feedback and Accountability.

  • Stay Relevant in modern times.

  • Help humanity (simple, right?)